Javan offers a unique blend of skilled technical instruction and inspirational experiences presented clearly and with humour. He has accumulated a broad spectrum of holistic systems land design expertise, in both theory and practice, which is openly and humbly shared. Javan goes above and beyond expectations to deliver the highest quality learning opportunity for his audience. He is also gifted with the intuitive ability to tap into a group and deliver the messages needed in that particular context. This includes responding to learners’ various levels of knowledge, but also challenging them to rise above their limitations; for example, the underlying and inherent sense of entitlement that those of us in the minority world are often crippled by. I highly recommend Javan as an engaging learning facilitator and motivational speaker in the vital movement to foster new thinking and holistic approaches to land and life design.
Stephanie Cottell
RHN, MSc Education for Sustainability Supervisor, Cowichan Agriculture Training Program, BC, CanadaSpeaking