FOF Title Card v3

The Story

In 1985 Richard Walker left his family farm near Edmonton, Alberta. He was sick and tired of his neighbours over-spraying pesticides, killing his fruit trees. He wondered if growing food didn't have to include chemicals or even annual crops. What if instead of planting every year, he planted once and harvested every year after that? He landed on 3 acres of bare horse pasture in Grand Forks, BC. There he created a forest overflowing with fruits, leaves, roots, and berries with more than enough to support two businesses and a family of four. This is the story of Richard Walker, his partner Karin Kilpatrick M.D and Sarah Orlowski and John Hagel who continue to nurture one of Canada’s oldest modern food forests.

Help Make it HAPPEN

To make this documentary happen we need to be one of the top 15 projects that have the highest number of votes on Storyhive (the granting organization).

This is where you come in.

We need you to vote every day over the next four days, and to share the pitch link below with others.

It takes under 5 minutes to vote.

You can vote Tuesday May 28th starting at 12pm PDT, Wednesday May 29th, Thursday May 30th, until Friday May 31st 12pm PDT 2019.


The Pitch

What if your grocery store was right outside your door?

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