

Real world experience real world education

Years Teaching and Consulting
Permaculture Design Students
Events and Courses
Regenerative Businesses Inspired

working with clients and students in over 56 countries

An ideal productive landscape of any scale starts with education. Since 2009 I've worked to bring the best education on regenerative living to students.

If you're looking for educational opportunities take a look below or visit



Doom and instability are easy to come by, and in today’s world we face a crisis of rapidly changing social, economic, and ecological conditions. It’s easy to get overwhelmed trying to solve the challenges of our times. How can we meet our needs, without destroying the resources and conditions necessary for our survival?

Permaculture is an ethics-based design system that teaches us how to create regenerative, living systems, integrating aspects from soil, water and climate to social and material resources. The result? Adaptive systems designed to provide long-term stability by harnessing ecological and human capital.

buffer impacts of climate, water and energy instability

reduce vulnerability to unpredictable events

enduring safeguards for energy, food and livelihood

Previous Students & Alumni

I'm proud of the thousands of students I've had the privilege of meeting and teaching over the years. I work hard to provide innovative, professional, experience-based education and training. My students consistently emerge inspired to dig into their passions, producing projects and livelihoods that have a positive impact.

Read about what folks have to say about their education experiences

Upcoming Workshops

January 2025

  • Jan 62025

    Oregon State University Online Permaculture Design Course

    • Mon Jan 6 - Sun Jun 15, 2025
    • Can't find a PDC that fits your schedule? This online PDC is information dense with hands on you do on your own. With a 1:10 teacher to student ratio this may be one of the best ways to learn permaculture online today.