We called Javan after listening to Permaculture Voices podcasts about creating a Holistic Context. His ideas, depth of knowledge and candid approach resonated with us both. As parents of young kids trying to start a diverse small farm using permaculture principles, but struggling with overwhelm, lack of clarity and with our relationship, Javan seemed to be a good fit. We were in a space where planning was difficult if not impossible because of conflict. We were hoping for direction and clarity about our farming enterprises thinking that the clarity would help settle the overwhelm and the relationship issues.
From the first call, Javan gave us tools to begin strengthening our relationship so that we could work effectively together. Incredibly, we began shifting immediately as Javan helped us define and commit to a single common purpose. With Javan’s guidance, we continued to strengthen our relationship and to open the lines of communication as we began to develop our Holistic Context.
We often felt that Javan’s knowledge, skills and gifts were perfectly suited to the needs of our situation. He is highly intelligent, widely experienced, perceptive, intuitive, inspired, compassionate, and well grounded.
The result of our work together is a living document and decision making tool that we can use for any decision to create clarity, to simplify and to move forward in a mutually beneficial direction. We now have a stronger and healthier relationship with each other, our children and ourselves. We now have the tools to continue to take charge of our lives and create our own ideal lifestyle.The time and money we invested in this process has had an incredible amount of impact on our lives, more than we could have imagined or hoped. We would highly recommend working with Javan to anyone who has a great desire to take charge of their life and embody their full potential.
Deep gratitude to you, Javan, for sharing your gifts with us.
Sarah and Jonathan Spranza
Farmers Wild Wood FarmHolistic Life Context, Life Design, Limiting Beliefs, One-on-One Coaching