The Oregon State University Permaculture Design Course is an expertly organized course of instruction that appropriately leverages an online learning environment, and along with dedicated and professional instructors, conveys an important body of knowledge in a relatively short period of time. The course materials (videos, text, and supplementary content) coupled with the weekly assignments allows students to quickly put concepts into practice. Doing peer reviews in large groups exposes you to your classmates, a variety of locations, and varying methods for implementing the course content. Peer reviews add an additional dimension to learning the course material while allowing you the space to make your personal journey. I took the OSU Permaculture Design Course to improve my family’s access to food which is frequently impacted by natural disasters. I left the course with the tools I need to be successful in designing my own site, but I also gained a deeper appreciation of nature as well as curiosity that will push me to seek additional knowledge. I emphatically recommend this course to anyone who is interested in Permaculture, desires to gain a better understanding of the natural world or is simply interested in being more involved with their food.