City Park Food Forest Retrofit
A retrofit design of a city-run dog park into a food forest orchard.
Initiated by food-focused citizens' desires to turn a standard city dog park into a thriving community food forest, this project was based on an open-community design charrette hosted by Hatchet and Seed Contracting and All Points Land Design. The design was created in collaboration with community stakeholders including the Vic West Food Security Collective and City of Victoria.
Integrating dogs and owners, and finding a use for pet waste, were primary challenges. Working with 20-30 year old established pear, apple and plum trees provided both opportunities and limitations to the design. As a public park, clear sightlines needed to be maintained for security, while still making the space inviting and increasing food forest awareness.
Key Elements
- Introduced hugelkultur to City of Victoria parks, which led to the use of hugelkultur in other community gardens and orchards
- All fruit trees were guilded with companion plants, including small fruits, vegetables and herbs
- Innovative dog operational guild includes an anaerobic digester; ¾-season broadleaf plants to pick up dog waste was designed to replace disposable plastic bags
- Innovative fencing design increased visibility, creating a more welcoming aesthetic to the site
As of January 2015 this design is pending implementation.
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