Tyler Stowers

Farm Manager

When I reflect on my life, few experiences mark a definitive division of before and after. Completing Javan’s life design modules is the most recent example of such a phenomenon.

I’m writing today to provide a ringing endorsement.

Having rarely asked myself questions relating to motivation and introspection to the depth required, this work was foreign and at times extremely difficult. Javan’s abilities in such moments to motivate and articulate significance was central to my success. Further, his sequencing was brilliant. Fleeting attempts at establishing a context had left me stagnant and disgruntled. Javan’s modules exhibited a fluidity that, unbeknownst to me, were establishing the very foundation for a life design that had previously eluded me.

His guidance, council, and cutting inquisition throughout the modules left me proud, lighter, empowered, inspired, and determined.

Looking for catharsis? Javan helped me identify restrictive limiting beliefs operating deep in the programming of my intentionality. Looking for a quick return on investment?

In week 2 of the modules, I saw a financial improvement of $4000 on a decision stemming from this work. To say I recommend working with Javan is an understatement.

I was extremely impressed with his presence, demeanour, and facilitation throughout this process. I can’t say enough good things. If you have ever noticed a hint of interest in establishing a context for yourself, call this man today.

Client, Holistic Life Context, Life Design, One-on-One Coaching



Takota Coen

Farmer/Designer - Coen Family Farm & Building your Homestead

Your insights are a gift to the world.

I have taken two separate 6 Day Holistic Management courses facilitated by 3 HMI Certified instructors. And while I have gained tremendous value from the considerable time and financial capital I invested for those trainings, it is now paled in comparison to the clarity and value I have gained from working through Javan’s Holistic Life Context process.

During his 6 week program I only had to book 6 hours of time for phone conversations and the reminder of the work modules was completed as my busy schedule allowed. I knew that my time spent working with Javan would help my to advance my understanding of Holistic Management, but still my expectations were blown away. His incredible ability to distil the complex and abstract concepts of HM into clear and potent insights, that you can actually apply to your life on a daily basis, is remarkable. I now have the mental clarity to survey my life and quickly and thoughtful discern a path forward that is not only leading to my Holistic Goal, it actually is my Holistic Goal. I now feel like I am experiencing life in slow motion.

Faced with an opportunity to purchase a portion of the family farm back I was overwhelmed with emotions and biases. I couldn’t see straight. After reviewing my Holistic Life Context, speaking with Javan and a lot of the toughest work on the farm there is – thinking, it was clear that this opportunity, just not for me. I side stepped $500,000 in debt, saving time, frustration and financial pain. My current farm businesses and quality of life have never been better.

Thanks a million, or should I say, half a million!

Client, Holistic Life Context


Tom Le Blanc

Edible Landscaper

I have been actively engaged in my personal growth for most of my adult life and though there have been so many things that have facilitated that growth for me throughout the years, I don’t know if I can say anything has been as effective so quickly as working with Javan on Holistic Life Design.

Many authors, speakers and ‘gurus’ offer broad concepts, and many offer very specific structures.

The Holistic Life Design Process is so effective because it takes a very broad view of something, namely yourself, and applies a framework. It isn’t a rigid thing that says do this or that different practice, in fact it works on an order of magnitude higher than that because it helps you make certain that this or that practice, or decision is a sound one.

After going through this process I am now equipped with a tool-kit that I can apply to any decision I make, and all of life is really a sequence of decisions. As novice to the process I can see how my continued use of this tool increases its potency as it is constantly refined and sharpened. What’s more, just as in life, this work does not seem to be just about the destination.

I am excited for to have the Holistic Life Design framework to apply to my decision making, but I was excited each week when I opened up the next module and got a chance to do some seriously deep looking inward, in some cases to places I had been very much avoiding even if subconsciously.

The process was set at a pace and in a sequence that kept me engaged and inspired to do more. At the end of the hard work, and it isn’t easy by any means, there is the reward of a tool you can carry with you for the rest of your life, and through the use of this tool you can enrich your life and the lives of those around you by showing up in your power and authenticity.

Don’t take up this work if you’re just looking for some easy means of making problems go away, that isn’t really realistic. However if you are ready to commit to yourself, and go through a process of discovery, transformation and integration of a powerful new way of making decisions, then get in touch with Javan Bernakavitch and prepare to do some homework.

General, Holistic Life Context, Life Design, One-on-One Coaching





Nikki Martens


I am honoured to say that I am Javan’s longest running client. (I’ve always been a bit of a slow learner).

In this case my ‘slowness’ might have been because I was unaware that the collection of small steps towards a new direction would eventually have such impact at a core level. Like a spaceship changing course by a mm and ending up on Mars instead of the Moon.

I can best describe the totality of my experience with Javan as a slow blooming lotus.

At first I was cranky to be digging up old patterns, and laying a new foundation for what felt like an impossible fantasy. But by trusting Javan’s process, and progressively zeroing in on my life design, I started gaining a surprising momentum.

I see now that the things that are most crucial to me have come out of the rafters and taken centre stage, and the things I thought that mattered, or mattered to other people, have sloughed off.

I was very much a believer that I didn’t have time to do yoga or practice ‘less is more’, or develop a self-appointed profession based on my passions. But really that’s ridiculous, of course I have the time to do these things! What I do not have time for are the things, unnecessary commitments and distractions that take me away from my passions (as much as I love Netflix).

Javan’s patient and persistent guidance made me accountable to creating and pursuing my unique path in a way that now feels potently simple.

Holistic Life Context, Life Design, Limiting Beliefs, One-on-One Coaching


Sarah and Jonathan Spranza

Farmers Wild Wood Farm

We called Javan after listening to Permaculture Voices podcasts about creating a Holistic Context. His ideas, depth of knowledge and candid approach resonated with us both. As parents of young kids trying to start a diverse small farm using permaculture principles, but struggling with overwhelm, lack of clarity and with our relationship, Javan seemed to be a good fit. We were in a space where planning was difficult if not impossible because of conflict. We were hoping for direction and clarity about our farming enterprises thinking that the clarity would help settle the overwhelm and the relationship issues.

From the first call, Javan gave us tools to begin strengthening our relationship so that we could work effectively together. Incredibly, we began shifting immediately as Javan helped us define and commit to a single common purpose. With Javan’s guidance, we continued to strengthen our relationship and to open the lines of communication as we began to develop our Holistic Context.

We often felt that Javan’s knowledge, skills and gifts were perfectly suited to the needs of our situation. He is highly intelligent, widely experienced, perceptive, intuitive, inspired, compassionate, and well grounded.
The result of our work together is a living document and decision making tool that we can use for any decision to create clarity, to simplify and to move forward in a mutually beneficial direction. We now have a stronger and healthier relationship with each other, our children and ourselves. We now have the tools to continue to take charge of our lives and create our own ideal lifestyle.

The time and money we invested in this process has had an incredible amount of impact on our lives, more than we could have imagined or hoped. We would highly recommend working with Javan to anyone who has a great desire to take charge of their life and embody their full potential.

Deep gratitude to you, Javan, for sharing your gifts with us.

Holistic Life Context, Life Design, Limiting Beliefs, One-on-One Coaching


Drew Carlson

Owner and Operator Full Circle Designs

Recent life changes had left me lacking a clear path forward in my life. I had ideas of where I wanted to go but was having a hard time identifying how to take the next step. I now have a process and tool that helps me clear away undergrowth and continue forward. This is a result of my experience working with Javan to develop my Holistic Life Context.

I had a general idea of what to expect out of my work with Javan due to a three hour seminar he led during the Permaculture Voices II conference in 2015. I found his application of Holistic Management to the personal side of life revolutionary. What I did not foresee was how difficult it would be to develop my personal keyline plow needed to break through my A horizon which was compacted hardpan.

Post a session with Javan
“I realize I haven’t done enough work on learning how I work and it’s been a detriment to my community and myself. I feel like I’m digging through my own soil A horizon and it’s f*cking hard work. Probably some of the hardest work I’ve done. I spent a whole day working on this and my mind is blown. Using this work helped me to stay focused and I was able to say no easily to opportunities. It’s a great win to easily say no and check myself. I love doing this before the busy [land design] season. Feels like I’m getting jacked for making decisions. Thanks again. I’m on the ridge ongoing towards the high point. These hours with you are f*cking awesome.”

While this was the toughest work I have ever done in my life, it was invaluable. I unearthed the importance of balancing self-care with care for others and our natural systems by using a process that helped me identify what I need in life to thrive.

This is just the beginning of a life-long process which will grow with me. I now have a tangible tool that helps me decide whether opportunities which present themselves align with what I want out of life socially, ecologically and financially. We all have well-built tools we rely on for regenerative land management, but do you have a well-built tool for self-management?

Holistic Life Context, Limiting Beliefs, One-on-One Coaching