Tony McQuail
Organic Farmer - Ontario, CanadaEducation, SpeakingI really enjoyed your presentation on Keyline theory and design at the Ecological Farmer’s Association of Ontario conference. It was the clearest and most comprehensible explanation of keyline that I have experienced. It is a concept I’ve read about and also heard a presentation or two on it over the years. With your use of the marker it was an “on Hands” demonstration of how keyline design works and provided a 3 dimensional explanation. Thank you!

Educator/Activist/Author/Change MakerEducation, Land Design, Life Design, Life Design for Permaculture, PDC Student, SpeakingJavan Bernakovitch has presented several times in our Earth Activist Trainings, and I’m always so happy to have him! His work combines personal empowerment with a hard-headed business sense and a deep understanding of the permaculture principles and their practical applications. Our students find his work helps them determine their own niche in the permaculture world, and is especially useful when they have some basic knowledge and are looking at what direction to take next. He has my highest recommendation!

Andy Swindler
CoachLife Design, Life Design for Permaculture, SpeakingJavan joined our monthly online Gathering for Change Agents to lead a discussion about sustainability. He wove a tremendous spectrum of insight in a way that was accessible and inspiring. It connected humanity’s future to nature, certainly, but it didn’t limit the discussion of sustainability to a typical notion of “saving” nature. Javan eloquently presented a compelling narrative that helped us all realize that we are a shared ecology, and we need to start thinking and acting in that way if we are to flourish.

Greg Spevak
Permaculture Voices 2 ParticipantGeneral, Life Design, SpeakingI LOVED both your sessions at PV2, and am in the process of revisiting them both point-by-point and really working through the various frameworks, guiding questions, etc. that you introduced in those presentations. They have been so, so valuable to me. Thank you!

Star Hawk
Author, Speaker, Teacher and TrainerEducation, General, SpeakingJavan Bernakevitch is an engaging presenter, deeply knowledgeable about the whole field of permaculture and ecological design. He helped guide our students through the intricacies of mapping and the exciting and oft-neglected arena of translating their newly-developed skills into career opportunities. He projects great enthusiasm and our students found his participation enriching, inspiring and fun!
Thanks so much,

Education, General, SpeakingJavan Bernakevitch began his presentation to a full house promptly at 10:45am. He is a dynamic and energetic speaker. His passion is contagious and he gives a great presentation! His presentation began with a discussion of finding your niche and explaining to us that there is not one true niche. We limit our potential when we try and find just one. “Humans are biodiverse in all ways. Avoid monocropping your life.” It was interesting to hear him talk about perennial polycultures and how that applies to our own personal living systems. Reviewing my notes of each presentation in order to write the article, I can’t help but notice the number of notes and ideas created during Javan’s discussions. He radiates enthusiasm which was conducive to the generation and flow of ideas. It was remarkable.

Stephanie Cottell
RHN, MSc Education for Sustainability Supervisor, Cowichan Agriculture Training Program, BC, CanadaSpeakingJavan offers a unique blend of skilled technical instruction and inspirational experiences presented clearly and with humour. He has accumulated a broad spectrum of holistic systems land design expertise, in both theory and practice, which is openly and humbly shared. Javan goes above and beyond expectations to deliver the highest quality learning opportunity for his audience. He is also gifted with the intuitive ability to tap into a group and deliver the messages needed in that particular context. This includes responding to learners’ various levels of knowledge, but also challenging them to rise above their limitations; for example, the underlying and inherent sense of entitlement that those of us in the minority world are often crippled by. I highly recommend Javan as an engaging learning facilitator and motivational speaker in the vital movement to foster new thinking and holistic approaches to land and life design.

Dakota Gale
Green Mortgage NorthwestGeneral, SpeakingJavan Bernakevitch talks about doing, and then shows you how to make things happen. Not later. NOW. His presentation skills are engaging, entertaining, and above all informative. You’ll walk away feeling heat on your butt from the fire he lit under you! If you are seriously interested in going from a PDC to a permaculture business, look no further.