Elana Westers
Ecological Landscape DesignerBusiness, Client, Education, General, Life Design, MentorshipDear Javan,
I want to thank you so very much for all of the support and mentorship that you provided me in our sessions together. I cannot thank you enough for your insight and belief in me when I was struggling in life and business. You have given me invaluable tools that have already yielded results, and that I will continue to work with and reference over time. I am forever grateful for you business guidance and for giving me so many great ideas based on your own tried and true experiences. I look forward to continuing to work with you in the future. Thank you always,

Pablo Alcantara-Ferran
Biological Builder - SpainBusiness, Life Design, Life Design for Permaculture, Limiting Beliefs, One-on-One CoachingI came to know Javan and the work he does, through Darren Doherty and his online training REX. Six months down REX’s program, I separated from whom was then my partner, and the land project were starting suddenly stopped.
After almost a year I contacted Javan to help me looking at the bigger picture, put myself on the spot and help me making the questions, I was not daring to ask myself (about my current situation or what I really wanted from life), or probably didn’t even know existed.
Making your own Holistic Context is part of Rex’s program, so I was a bit familiar with it and had done some work on it. However, it was very important to follow Javan’s steps and guidance to go deeper into creating my Holistic Context and learning about decision making. I felt Javan was always there on the other side of the line, answering all my doubts and offering extra time for completing my homework. So as I guess is quite common at first, my initial HCs were quite loaded, way too long and quite influenced by the examples I had as reference and inspiration.
For our penultimate session Javan asked me to do a viability analysis of potential land-based enterprises. The research I made and the numbers I clarified, left it quite clear that it was not possible for me to make a living from the land in my personal circumstances and context. It was a big blow to my plans and the energy I had already invested on the land. I then followed his advice to go back to my HC and do another editing.
Feeling desperate made me go into surviving mode and this helped me to distil the HC to be more realistic and stay with what is essential and true to myself. At the same time, I came to realize what I want to do for living, and when I went back to my newly edited HC, realized what I want to do is completely in line with my values. I felt it was good timing for me to have my HC edited by the time my previous plan kind of stuttered. I felt I had a structure upon which I can rest and keep perspective going forward.
This work with Javan has been very important. I feel very fortunate I came across his path. I hope to find work of my own that helps people as much as he helped me. I think it’s a work that has the potential to benefit us all especially these days and the state of the world
It’s amazing to have gone from feeling absolutely lost in life to how I feel now, I’m excited for what’s next.
Thank you so much.

Julianne King
Public Servant - CanadaLife Design, Life Design for Permaculture, PDC StudentI was a student of yours when I took Verge’s PDC course in 2015 in Invermere. I owe you a huge thank you for the wisdom you brought to that course – it left a lasting impression on me!I’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of the Holistic Management and Life Design tools and frameworks. I’ve refined my personal holistic context and kept it relevant, and I’ve used the HM framework for project management too.I see the most valuable aspects of the context work to be 1. the innovative holistic “framework” approach that differs from both linear project management tools and typical self-help programs or practices, 2. doing visioning work without setting specific goals or making decisions, 3. the testing questions that make the context operational (praxis, if you will), 4. having an approach that scales well and is transferable/adaptable to almost any “project”. This is how I see the value and this is how I’ve explained it to my friends. From what I’ve heard so far, they agree that these things are uniquely valuable. One friend said that the fact that the HM approach isn’t Oprah’s or Wayne Dyer’s thing but is a tool designed and taught by many permaculturists was significant for them and helped them put faith in the utility and effectiveness of HM. I thought that was interesting. Overall, I think that (as with so many things) you get out of it what you put into it, and you can’t expect HM to do the work for you, which is to say, it’s not easy, but it’s worth it.

Sarah Grass
Community and Food Security OrganizerHolistic Life Context, Life Design, Life Design for Permaculture, One-on-One CoachingWhen I started working with Javan I was looking for help to become better at planning and organizing my life, and striking a better work/life balance. I have learned so much about myself through this process. I now have a better understanding of what my priorities are, and more realistic expectations of myself. I feel lighter, more relaxed, and if I lose track I know I have the tools to help me get moving again.

Ariel Laurel Strong
Software EngineerEcological Landscape Mastery Coaching, Land Design, Life Design, Life Design for Permaculture, Limiting Beliefs, Mentorship, One-on-One CoachingThat decision making format we worked on in the first call allowed me to apply value based prioritization in my life more concretely. The decision framework made it really easy to plug in questions. And the sizing approach, small experiments to get feedback and have a way of thinking “if I find myself dithering over something, there’s a quick fix, take a small step”. It’s been a really good process.I was ready to hear your method. It made a lot of sense as it’s a good mix of logic and body wisdom.I appreciate your approach I’ve found it really helpful to get specific and take action.

Helen Perks
International Agroforestry ConsultantBusiness, Life Design, Limiting Beliefs, MentorshipI wouldn’t be where I am today without Javan’s help; without prioritizing, focus (which I didn’t have before), having someone to regularly be there to check in with, talk to and hold me accountable. Now I’m able to focus on my career goals, closely aligned with my values, and I realize how powerful this is. Now I know what questions to ask, to both myself and others. It’s helped enormously, more than I could have ever imagined. The momentum has gathered and people are showing up again and again to accompany me on my journey and work with me. It was such an honour to work with Javan, to benefit from his experience and his razor-sharp way of diagnosing and cutting straight into the issues. I’m extremely grateful for this work and it’s been incredibly valuable. Thank you again, Javan, for all of your help!

Jen and Paul Nobel
Ecological Designer and EngineerHolistic Life Context, Life Design, Life Design for Permaculture, One-on-One Coaching, Single Decision SessionWe were in a very tough life-changing decision-making position and had 3 days, due to work requirements, to make that decision. Out of panic we reached out to Javan and he made himself available at a moment’s notice. His guidance and process helped us make a tough decision, one that we weren’t able to make on our own. We are incredibly thankful for his time and are comfortable and happy with the decision outcome! We would recommend Javan to anyone looking for guidance on how to tackle a big life transition.

Seth Peterson
USA, California - Chef and Land DesignerHolistic Life Context, Land Design, Life Design, Life Design for Permaculture, One-on-One CoachingImplementing a holistic framework with my wife (newly wed) over the last years has been both instrumental and revolutionary, but also difficult, slow going, and iterative in our attempts – in so many ways. From the basic ability to communicate a vision and how to achieve it, to the more intricate reality of the day to day process of managing who are we? where are we? and where are we going? and how are we getting there?
For me, I like to be explicit about all of this and examine my life, and so Holistic Management and Javan Kerby Bernakevitch have given me invaluable tools to create my life’s journey, I really only regret not having learned this in kindergarten.

Evy Geeraerts
BelgiumHolistic Life Context, Life Design, Life Design for Permaculture, Limiting BeliefsI’ve realized that we never learned how to think deeper.
I can find more answers then I use to.
The communication between Bart and me is much better, most of the time we can discuss calmly. We can talk about almost everything. Also the daily communication with the children is much better and we set up the daily schedule, that’s an improvement.
I’ve learned to look in a different way at myself and others. The “part of me” tool of sovereignty is a real help.
The spot check tool is also very helpful. Every week we evaluate ourselves and we need to do this just to work on ourselves.
I was amazed when we made the inventory for ourselves, we have/can more than we realize.
I had my doubts of starting this ‘journey’ but I’m glad we did it together as a couple for us and our family, not just Bart. So thank you for your excellent guidance Javan!

Bart Geeraerts
BelgiumHolistic Life Context, Land Design, Life DesignWe knew Holistic Management would be an important improvement for managing our lives and family and started using what we learned from books but we didn’t have the positive effects from it until we committed to working with an objective outside professional. We could not have the same results by ourselves. We learned to get to the cause of problems more effectively. We learned to communicate better as a family and will continue on this path.
We have been able to use the principles of Holistic Management much more effectively through working with Javan and his refined system of using the Holistic Context and decision making.
The addition of spot checks was really helpful in using and working with our Context more proactively instead of just using it when a decision needs to be made. This alone fast tracks the process so much.
The decision forms, especially the longform, are helpful in fleshing out and fine tuning the proposed actions.
I loved seeing the already holistic process made even more holistic.
Thanks you.