Kim Dorman
Community Coordinator, New Jersey, USAEducation, OSU PDC Student, PDC StudentJavan Bernakevitch, with his signature good humor created an inviting space for learning during the Permaculture Design course.Working with an incredibly diverse group of students – some with active permaculture projects, others with no experience, Javan thoughtfully met people where they were and gently guided each student to greater understanding of permaculture design.Javan models permaculture principles by actively demonstrating care for the planet, care for people, and fair share. Each interactive session with the group Bernakevitch used real life examples of how these principles work in a variety of situations.Javan is a thoughtful instructor who kindly guides students to success.

Noreen Hoda
Medical Office Manager - Arizona, USAEducation, OSU PDC Student, PDC StudentMy experience in the class surpassed my expectations. Javan is an excellent teacher – he wants students to succeed and it shows through his encouragement. He works with students at their level. It was great hearing him share his knowledge and expand upon questions asked by students. His passion for the subject is contagious.
I left the course feeling inspired and with a great foundation. Going forward, I know what steps I can take to further my experience in the field.

Adria Focht
Artist / Anthropologist - North Carolina, USAOSU PDC Student, PDC StudentI had been self-studying permaculture for several years and found OSU’s free online content very useful. After purchasing a property in the spring of 2021, I decided to pursue OSU’s Permaculture Design Certificate to strengthen my experience and develop the skills I need to design and create my own permaculture paradise.
I am extremely grateful to have completed this course and feel the value far exceeded the cost. The course fostered my deep dive into permaculture and the local ecology, and helped me make the most out of the observation and research phase. The exercises prompt you to analyze your site holistically, and organize your project, so that the final design almost comes together on its own. The template consolidates and structures what could otherwise have been an overwhelming amount of content. It was also an extremely productive series of exercises for me as a first-time homeowner to better understand my property and how all of my systems work.
I feel particularly fortunate to have had Javan Bernakevitch as my instructor. His depth of knowledge, personal experience, and patience in answering my many questions helped me fully understand my project. I also appreciated his philosophical approach to permaculture, from values-based decision making to finding your zones of brilliance.
Ultimately, taking this course saved me time, labor, and money, and I personally recommend it for anyone considering a PDC.

Andreea Giurgiu
Beehave NGO President - Bihor, RomaniaOSU PDC Student, PDC StudentThank you so much Javan for guiding us! You were so kind and gracious with the feedback (truth be told I was kind of dreading that part of the course before I started) but you were so encouraging and awesome that I think I actually got over my fear of failure completely!
This course was awesome, I learned a lot, got to connect with a lot of awesome people and I am so looking forward to seeing all of your projects implemented!

Raleigh Latham
Living Soil Consultant and CinematographerHolistic Life Context, Life Design, Life Design for Permaculture

Kevin Maude
Family Man - Southwest, USAEducation, OSU PDC Student, PDC StudentJavan, man, it was a tremendous blessing and joy taking this course under your care and stewardship. Thank you so much for sharing yourself and your passion with us. I really appreciate all of your advice, the questions you posed that allowed me to look from various vantage points, and the many gems you bestowed upon us during office hours. Permaculture is pretty new to me, I’m still reading Mollison’s book, so I really can’t thank you enough because you didn’t take a second of time with us for granted and you were a wellspring of knowledge. I know that in everything you did you wanted to give us a significant step up in our abilities as future designers and to those like me who are so new to the world of Permaculture, that was HUGE. You played a crucial role in helping me develop my observational skills and the freedom you allowed us to have with our presentation opened up to some surprising places of creativity within me. It was such a fun, challenging and rewarding experience and I’m so excited to continue with my education, design and journey.
Your feedback meant a lot to me, and it has since week one. My wife listens to your feedback videos with me, and your encouragement meant a great deal to her too. You didn’t know it, but she was also a student of yours this year and she says she likes the cut of your jib!
Check out the Oregon State University’s Permaculture Design Course.

Camille Samanant
Student - Utah, USAEducation, OSU PDC Student, PDC StudentI wanted to express my gratitude to you for being an amazing & nurturing mentor and grader. I learned so much every time I was able to attend your office hours, and I always appreciated the feedback from your videos. I have to fight a lot of critical thoughts and every time I watched your feedback videos I felt a surge of pride, inspiration, and motivation. Thank you so much for your wisdom, kindness, and patience. I expect to grow within this field and I hope to cross paths again the future.

Marie-Pierre Bilodeau
ReFarmers OrganizerDocumentary, Facing FireI hosted an outdoor documentary movie night as part of a free series of events called Neighbourhood Food Week which took place in public parks, community centres, plazas and streets in our Vancouver community. I wanted to show nature and food related short films which would inspire people and be educational at the same time. Facing Fire not only gives a fresh perspective on forest fire history and prevention but also sheds a much needed Indigenous light on the colonial “war again fire”. The film explores innovative ways of relating to fire as a natural part of existence and spectators left feeling optimistic, challenged and invigorated. Everybody who watches this film comes away with a newfound sense of awe and discovery and immediately wants to tell every one they know about it! It’s life-changing.

Pedro Oliveira
Graphic Designer - Canada, BrazilOSU PDC Student, PDC Student“The OSU PDC was my choice because of the process involved.The pace and the organization of the course are well thought out, well designed, and balanced. Having weekly deliveries makes everything smoother and creates a sense of purpose, commitment, and immersion.While most Permaculture courses will offer a curriculum based on principles and techniques, after completing the OSU PDC, I felt like I could understand them and intuitively read and observe before acting. This aspect was fundamental for my progression.After completing the course and presenting my work, I feel ready to take on new projects and interact much better with the environment, with much more respect.”