Katie and Josh Robinaker
FarmersClient, General, Holistic Life Context, Life DesignJavan provides an immeasurably useful service; he helps find value. We found and prioritized value through dealing with Javan. The context allowed us to determine what was the most important to us. Javan strengthened our resolve to focus on those facets of our life and business through his ability to cut through the noise to discover what drives us. He brings with him a wealth of information and assortment of techniques, centred in holistic management, on how to achieve direction in your context. We found our time with Javan to be a catalyst on our way to achieving, or attempting to achieve, our goals. His incredible value comes in us finding our value. It helps that he is a wonderful being who we loved working with. Thank you Javan!

Greg Hancock
Wet Creek Stable and Canine Sports CenterClient, Holistic Life Context, Life DesignAfter working with Javan, I have learned more about myself then I knew before. He made me look at myself, the things around me and the people in my life, asking hard questions and digging up answers from deep inside, reflecting on thoughts, feelings and memories from past and present. It meant a hard look at the future. At times I was confused but after his phone calls and reflection, he helped me reach clarity and realise that I could build a better life not only for myself but those close to me, whether family or just those involved in my life.
Using my work with Javan I was able to quickly make a decision that saved me $22,000 in tractor costs and repairs. This work made a real difference on the farm.
It is with great thanks that I say these things as Javan helped me more then he thinks he did. For anyone looking to work with him I whole-heartedly say GO for it! It was and is well worth the time and effort.

Kerri and Jean Francois
Fine Artists, PDC GraduatesClient, Holistic Life Context, Life Design, One-on-One CoachingLet’s say, you have gotten a beautiful blank canvas, and you are working away on your painting, you are working and adding all sorts of colour and texture because you know how to paint and you know exactly what you want it to be.
All of the sudden, you take a step back and you realize you have lost the plot, you have added so much stuff it is hard to tell what the initial inspiration was and it looks like a mess, no-one including yourself knows what you are trying to achieve anymore.
Javan, for us, was the voice from the back of the room, the teacher that gives you the honest truth about what he sees and hears and gives you the tools to peel off the layers of unnecessary elements that have confused the whole picture.
Working with Javan gave us a framework to make decisions with ease, confidence and clarity. We feel like we are in a safe place and the beautiful thing about it is that you can always paint a new painting!!! It makes it fun. We can keep on going back into the structure we created with Javan to make it as precise and unique as we choose. Many Thanks Javan!!!

Kimberly Gray
PDC Graduate and Communications ConsultantClient, Holistic Life Context, Life Design, Limiting Beliefs, One-on-One CoachingI’m feeling empowered and lighter – like 25 years of weight is gone. I didn’t think it could happen that quickly.
Thank you so much again, Javan. Your methods are gentle, firm and eerily effective. I can’t even put into words how happy and grateful I am that I met you. You’re a stellar teacher and I can’t wait to see where we go next.

Robert and Stacey Spring
Up Beet FarmClient, General, Holistic Life ContextThis is amazing. It’s like a manual for our land and what to do for the next decade. Thank you. We both received clarity, insight and some very useful tools as a result of working with Javan. We both felt the Holistic Context work really helped us to get very clear about a lot of our farm vision. We would recommend it to anyone starting an agrarian project.

Arnaud Gagné
Outdoor Educator and Timberframe BuilderClient, Holistic Life Context, Life Design, Limiting BeliefsAs a procrastinating visionary looking for a constructive kick in the butt, I couldn’t have chosen a better coach to work with than Javan. My intuition was right, he’s very perceptive and his insights were tremendously helpful.
The life design process Javan put together is far from just a formula. He meets you where you’re at then helps you take your vision to the next level. I worked through many blocks including limiting beliefs about money and addiction to education.
Javan’s presentation of holistic management is a great tool for helping me design the life I want but will also be a really helpful business tool.
I highly recommend working with Javan for any visionaries who are stuck in the abstract and need a boost to help them move into the concrete. Creating my holistic context has really helped me make confident decisions no matter how big they are.
I now have a thorough inventory of all the resources I have at my disposition and a powerful decision making tool.
Don’t sign up for this course if you’re looking for the easy way out. However if you want a clear picture picture of what you really want and are willing to work for it, then do it!
Thanks again for highlighting where I shine and where I get in my own way

Nikki Martens
TeacherGeneral, Holistic Life Context, Life DesignHoly moly, this has been worth every second. I realize now how funny and arbitrary my decision-making has been — just having general ideas and thinking I can wing something.
This process forced me to really evaluate my decisions holistically and I found once I actually did the ground work (researching, calculating, re-doing my budget) the decisions I initially desired totally shifted.
It felt so good to have a compass and destination. I feel like things are easier to let go of and the things that have the most potent return are re-energizing! It was a lot of work but I don’t feel torn anymore… I feel like I actually know how to make a decision for the first time in my life!
Where was this when I was 20?!?!
Thanks for bringing me through this process, I feel so fantastic, like scaling a peak and being like, “Damn! the view is good up here!”

Drew Sample
Entrepreneur and PodcasterHolistic Life Context, Life Design“My mind’s pretty blown right now”
These were the words I used at the end of the first session to describe the impact of working with Javan. In one hour long session we had cut to a root of my procrastination and found a limiting belief that had to do with one of my parents. I felt relieved after the work, with less stress and negative pressure on my mind… and that was just the first session.
Over the next 6 weeks we developed my Holistic Life Context and I was getting more accomplished, handling my life better and starting to see how my life was connected. To say I’m glad Javan is in the business he’s in, would be an understatement.
Towards the end of my work with him and developing my Holistic Life Context I felt more focused by asking myself the right questions. By using the methods and tools he trained me in my future is clear and I’ve let go of the many excuses that were holding me back.
If you have something holding you back in life, if you want to make better decisions, or create your own clear path and you’re willing to put in the work, Javan is going to help you see quick improvement. Working with Javan has been awesome and incredibly rewarding. It was money well spent for sure and I recommend him to anyone looking to see positive change in their life. Thanks again.

Naomi deVille
BiologistClient, Holistic Life Context, Life DesignI finally went through Javan Bernakevitch’s module to develop my holistic life context over the last 6 weeks. Something inside of me has shifted as a result. My decision making competence feels uplifted and I feel more engaged in the design of my life than I can recall. I’m plugged into myself in a truly regenerative way. I now have an elegant, dynamic and potent decision making tool that reflects MY life context and I have Javan to thank for that.
Javan is a passionate & skilled facilitator who has been immersed in holistic design (his own, his businesses, and his clients) in a committed and consistent way for quite some time. He has chosen some of the most regenerative tools out there and formulated a unique recipe for determining your holistic context. He delivers it in the most accessible and deciphering way I can imagine and if you’re wholehearted with the process and work with him to follow the recipe your individual or partnered holistic context will be created – guaranteed. But it does mean work I admit it was challenging at times. The exercises, the reflections and mining through the data of stories, beliefs, history, values, and comprehensive spectrum of capitals is revealing, sometimes in uncomfortable ways. But Javan provided the compassionate encouragement, honest insight & ruthless bullshit detection that supported the accountability that I needed to see this through. He provided the perspective to see through the complexity of ME to be genuinely honest about the purpose of my life – RIGHT NOW. His presence and talent for joyfully resonating the subtleties of communication over the phone and making you feel BIG was brilliant and our weekly calls were something I very much looked forward to. Since then my allegiance to my values and purpose has been reinforced, I can interpret the climate of MY mind better, the overwhelm of making decisions has been alleviated and I’ve noticed that I’m getting more effective at undercutting the storms of second guessing that has been my norm. I can account for the complexity of my life (or business or property or whatever it is I decide to apply this to) with clarity and confidence.
And that is why you get so much more than a suite of tools and a holistic context. For anyone who’s interested in the idea of designing your life and business so it’s a true and honest reflection of yourself (or selves) I strongly encourage you to get in touch with Javan. Do not settle for anything less than genuine movement towards the most honest, integrated and encompassing expression of yourself or your business. The value of working with Javan is GOLD.

Richard J. Mitchell
Edible Landscaper, School Garden Educator, Nursery OwnerClient, Holistic Life Context, Life DesignI am an individual who wants to save the world. I want to own multiple regenerative enterprises. I want to raise a family. I want to better my community. I want to make money. I want to nurture my talents and hobbies all while having down time for adventure, proper sleep, and fine home cooked meals with family and friends. But I have thousands of unfinished projects. I often feel like an amoeba crawling over an oven. I feel spread out over blistering grounds but all I want is to begin another project.
I was consumed by my projects, my business ventures, my gardens, my ideas and other people’s ideas. I was committing my soul to everyone with a good idea and giving my time to anyone who remotely crossed my interests and line of work. I was investing little time for family, friends, sleep, and the things that make me feel good. I surely had no time for vacation.
I was trying to save the world by starting thousands of projects at a time and leaving nothing for the most import aspect of my life, which is the quality of my life itself. I became a Holistic Life Context client of Javan Bernakevitch of All Points Life Design because I was spinning my life wheels and feeling overwhelmed with my projects, endless tasks, and many decisions in front of me. Javan Bernakevitch helped me set my priorities straight so that I was able to clearly decide what was most important in my life.
When I worked with Javan, throughout the six modules of his Holistic Life Context program he was fully committed to helping me solve my problems and prioritize my life every step of the way. He recognized my talents, listened to my issues, gave me encouraging and truthful feedback, and was just plain fun to talk to. Every week he challenged me to work hard and every time we talked I felt that my hard work was magnified exponentially.
Javan’s Holistic Life Context helped me direct my energy through a magnifying lens of my own talents. For the first time in my life I felt that I was being given the tools needed to control my talents and direct my passions. Javan helped me to embrace my true self and to figure out the root causes of my dilemmas. Instead of prescribing a blue print, he put me in the driver’s seat of my own life. He gave me the framework to customize a metaphorical race car and to pave my own race track.
Javan’s guidance allowed me to cross my own enigmas during every session we had together. He didn’t show me the light, or give me a magic fix, but instead he helped me decide which roads had a green light and which projects were just another trip down the old rabbit hole.
Through Javan’s guidance I discovered my own Holistic Life Context. I can now pull back the branches of my day and see what is true to me. From this new vantage point I feel confident that I am making my own decisions and I am making them with a clear view of what I think is important. When it comes down to it, Javan has given me a saw to cut through the compaction and thickets in my life. It is now up to me to work hard using this tool to clear my own road to a successful and happy life. Whether or not I succeed is up to me but I now have a swiss army knife in my toolkit.
Javan has introduced me to a brilliant system that I can now use for organizing, analyzing and prioritizing my thousand-project-life. I feel prepared to make better decisions, start the proper projects, and let go of the baggage. I can be the best I can be because I know what is important to me.
Javan cares about his work and he is damn good at what he does. I highly recommend his Holistic Life Context work for anyone looking for a system to get you into the driver’s seat of decision-making.