Neaghn Stanley
Stay at Home MomEnvision 2021, Life DesignLooking back over the year in the Envision 2021 workshop with Javan gave me a better perspective of what I need to implement moving forward to be able to better track and monitor my life’s progression. The tools and reflection questions Javan offers create a very supportive and loving space to do so in a nonjudgmental, but observational, way. “When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” Alexander Den Heijer. Working with Javan is helping me to shape, build and create the most healthy, supportive terrain of my dreams!
Trina Moyles
Writer/Author/JournalistEnvision 2021, Life DesignEnvision 2021 inspired me to really dig into the past year of my life and consider who and what influenced my day to day. The workshop asked me to reflect on what my future self needs and desires, and what positive momentum I’d like to carry forward into 2021, and what influences I’d rather leave behind, or not engage in. Javan was a kind, gentle and constructive facilitator. I appreciated the communal aspect of the workshop and having the chance to feel the energies of other people all around the world. It’s true that so little of our day to day allows for, or encourages the act of reflection, and the workshop reminded me that I have the power to enact this ritual of reflection for myself. “If you don’t design your own life, someone else will design it for you.” The workshop helped me feel a little braver in thinking forward to 2021 and dreaming, envisioning, and sculpting the values that I’d like to see represented in my day to day life. It was an overwhelmingly positive experience.
Veronica Haits
Vancouver Island, BC, Canada“I discovered the permaculture world fairy recently (where have you been all my life?) when I was searching for focus at a time when I felt quite uncertain about the trajectory our planet is on. I took the OSU Intro to Permaculture Course and suddenly a new realm of possibilities opened up to me. I wanted to explore more, learn more, understand more, so I signed up for the next OSU PDC course. During every week of this course there have been so many ‘A-HA’ moments and areas of study that needed to be perused further. I loved the course material: the instructional videos, the supplemental material and the podcasts. Every assignment was a journey of discovery. I’m new to my property, but I already feel such an intimate connection and deeper understanding of it. The support and feedback I received was wonderful. As I said to Javan one week, “It’s amazing that 5 minutes of feedback can result in so many take-aways for me … Thanks so much for the valuable feedback.” And it was true, after just 5 minutes of video feedback, my mind started going into overdrive and the possibilities seemed endless. My mind is still all fired up, racing off on tangents wondering if I can fit more rain catchment overflow in here, or another wicking bed in there. I learned even more listening to the feedback videos for other students’ assignments. Amazing course and fabulous experience. Thanks for everything JKB!
Tristan Holme
Journalist and Community Builder - South AfricaHolistic Life Context PracticumAfter finding incredible value in creating my own context with Javan I became increasingly eager to help others with this work, and the next step was obviously to understand it better for myself.
The Practicum program allowed me to take my understanding of context and values-based decision-making deeper, with each process allowing me to unlock another level. It came at a time when I was making increasingly complex decisions for myself, my family, and the nascent intentional community that we are a part of. Sometimes all three of those Wholes interlocked, creating a fascinating complexity – but one that would have been overwhelming without having a process in which to hold and ground it.
Having Javan mentor me through this phase and provide feedback was invaluable, helping me to ‘thread the needle’ with the big interlocking decisions.
By the end of the program I felt ready to start assisting those around me in a really meaningful way, but also realised how managing complexity well is one of the biggest challenges we face in the world today – and that it holds the key to meaningful, positive change going forward.
Rupert Faust
Organizer - AustraliaHolistic Life ContextI must say Javan Kerby Bernakevitch – thanks to your ‘ruthless clarity of vision’ sessionson the first two regrarians online courses… I’ve distilled the mission of the organization to focus on the connection…for me what we do ultimately comes back to that and so our mission is to “to regenerate our sacred connection to country, community and culture”. getting it down to as few words as possible was (and is) a process.
Education, OSU PDC Student, PDC StudentThe OSU Permaculture Design Course is a fantastic opportunity to better understand and manage the flows of energy through a diversity of design sites. Inspiring videos, engaged and knowledgeable instructors offering insight and guidance, and rigorous assignments challenge students to immerse themselves in learning about their place. Jump in with both feet! The more we can dig in, the more rewarding the experience.
I received wise council from Javan and Karen on site analysis and design, and was inspired by the knowledge of Andrew, Marisha, and the amazing cast of contributors to the course curriculum. Some of my favorite morsels from Javan are “sell your certainty and buy bewilderment,” “what we celebrate persists,” and his description of the incredible tool of assisting others to make design decisions based on their values.
Also awesome was the warm supportive environment in the student chat forums, rich with constructive feedback and exciting ideas. If you can, make sure to round out the phenomenal wealth of digital resources by picking up a field guide, and spending time listening to nature. OSU PDC offers a transformative experience!
Karen Luyckx
Basque Country, SpainEducation, OSU PDC Student, PDC StudentI came to the course thanks to the recommendation of a friend just at the time we were able to finally buy the land we had always dreamed of. I thought the course would be useful in giving me a structure and framework to make a good plan for the site that fits with my values.
Now I simply cannot imagine how I could have done a proper site analysis and design without the course.
There is a huge wealth of input through the course materials (thankfully we can look at them afterwards as there is simply too much to take on board).Even more valuable is the feedback, advice and encouragement provided by Javan specific to our situation. For example, thanks to Javan, the water analysis and water system design is a lot more thorough and incorporates elements we wouldn’t have considered otherwise.
Javan also supported me in thinking through the establishment phase of the food forest, and clarifying the important role animals can play to help prepare our site and build the soil where it is quite eroded.
One thing to bear in mind if you are thinking of doing the course in the 10-week timeframe: it is very intensive, you will feel as if you are eating, breathing and walking permaculture non-stop. If this is too much, you can switch to the more extended version. Finally, having the opportunity to follow the analysis and design process of some incredibly committed people with amazing visions and interesting sites throughout the world has been a true privilege and has added even more to the learning.
Many thanks again Javan. I’ve no doubt that all the instructors are amazing, but can’t help feeling very lucky we got you!
Karen Luyckx
Basque Country, SpainEducation, OSU PDC Student, PDC StudentJust want to echo the others: I am very grateful for having had this opportunity. I don’t know how we would have come up with a vision, strategy and plan for our site, let alone how I would have observed all the things I did thanks to the course. Of course there is a lot more to do, a lifelong time of learning and making the most of things.
Javan, thanks a million for your incredibly useful support, it is much appreciated. Your feedback has really helped me to crystallize some important elements in the design and look a lot deeper and further in many aspects (for example in the water design which has really evolved following your feedback).
What a privilege and inspiration to connect and learn from your wisdom and insights. Thanks for the really positive engagement.
Wishing you all the best of luck and lots of positive energy. The world is a much better place thanks to you :o)